Common questions about MIME.
How long does onboarding take?
This varies per company but typically our basic shade finder implementation takes as little as two weeks.
Products are analyzed in our lab in weekly batches, so once you submit products for analysis - those shades should be analyzed within 1 week.
Do you need full products or only samples?
We prefer full products but are also happy to accept samples as long as they are at least 10ml for multiple swatches.
Please be careful when shipping samples as they may explode if your packaging is not done correctly. Ensure they are sealed tight. Avoid adding too much tape around the samples since it adds a long delay to processing time.
Ensure any powder foundations have enough padding so they do not break during shipping.
What do you analyze?
When we analyze your products we:
Analyze the color in normalized lighting scenario(s)
Study how the color changes as it dries
Analyze the highlights and shadows of the color
Identify the base tone
Tag the product with our proprietary findings
and much more!
Last updated